My name is Peter. I write things.

Specifically, I write flintlock space fantasy stories inspired by eighteenth-century Iran, academic essays on Persian literature, and songs about the technoapocalypse. My interactive novel, Heavens’ Revolution: A Lion Among the Cypress, is available from Choice of Games, and my essay “Pearls from a Dark Cloud: Monsters in Persian Myth” can be found in The Oxford Handbook of Monsters in Classical Myth. I’m a graduate of the Stonecoast MFA program, and my essay “The Vault of Heaven: Science Fiction’s Perso-Arabic Origins” received the 2018 Walter James Miller Memorial Award for Student Scholarship in the International Fantastic.

I also edit, produce, and narrate things. I’m currently the senior editor at MandalaEarth (a division of Insight Editions), and I’ve been a senior editor at Seven Seas Entertainment, an assistant editor at IDW Publishing (where I worked on the Bram Stoker Award-nominated Darkness Visible), and an associate editor for the Hugo Award-nominated science fiction podcast Escape Pod. I was the audio producer for the British Fantasy Award-winning fantasy fiction podcast PodCastle (which was also nominated for the Hugo Award, the World Fantasy Award, the Ignyte Award, the Stabby Award, and the Aurora Award during my tenure), and I’ve appeared as a narrator on both Escape Pod and PodCastle, as well as on PseudoPod, Cast of Wonders, CatsCast, and Beneath Ceaseless Skies.

When I'm not crafting, crooning, or consuming stories, you'll most likely find me hurtling down a mountain, sipping English Breakfast, and sharpening my Farsi (though usually not all at once). 

You can read my sporadic ramblings on Bluesky, or you can use the button below to drop me a line!